This'll just be a quick update, because there's way too much animating (the fun part) and programming (the not so fun part) I want to get finished tonight. Plus, I'm a jerk, apparently :P
For World 1, I was proud that when Fancy Pants Man just stood there, he swayed back and forth, 72 frames of continuous, 30 frames every second (when the game is running full speed, it animates faster than Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) animation. Mario had 1 frame of idle animation, Sonic had something like 5. Donkey Kong Country doesn't count, it was computer animated.
For World 2, not only does Fancy Pants Man continuously animate, even when not moving, he'll go through a few different idle animations while he's getting bored. In the demo, he just fell asleep, but in the full game, he'll do a few, more interesting things. Currently, FPM has 514 frames of idle animation, which I'm quite sure is some sort of record.
Here's a shot of the latest idle animation that I was working on:
Think that's crazy? You should see the other timelines!
So why does this actually matter? Who actually watches FPM while he's just sitting there? Really, I want to give the little guy much more personality this time around, and I think this is a fun way to do that.
That's awesome. I actually just played the demo before I read this and saw him fall asleep, and thought, oh, that's really cute.
Nice work.